A Decree from Ceasar
Luke 2: 1-5 Posted: 12/18/24 |
The Birth of a Saviour
Lesson 1-4 Luke 2 Posted: 12/6/22 |
The Birth of a Savior
Lesson 1: Luke 2: 1-5 Lesson 2: Luke 2: 3-5 Posted: 12/5/23 |
Message: A Decree from Caesar Part 1
Scripture: Luke 2: 1-19 Posted: 11/29/21 |
The Circumcision and Dedication of Jesus
Luke 2: 21-24 Posted: 12/27/21 |
Message: Jesus' Authority Over Demons
Scripture: Luke 4:31-37 Service Recorded: 4/22/18 AM Posted to Website: 4/22/18 |
Message: Worry
Scripture: Luke 12:22-34 Service Recorded: 1/1/12 Posted to Website: 1/27/19 |
Message: Natural Disasters Part 1
Scripture: Luke 13:1-5 Service Recorded: 2/14/10 PM Posted to Website: 2/3/19 |
Message: The Depths of Hopelessness
Scripture: Luke 15:17-24 Posted: 6/28/20 |
Baptismal Service
Luke 16 Posted: 2/5/24 |
Baptismal Service
Luke 16: 25-31 Posted: 2/14/22 |
Message: The Pharisee and the Publican
Scripture: Luke 18: 9-14 Posted: 5/24/20 |
Message: Palm Sunday
Scripture: Luke 19:28-44 Service Recorded: 4/14/19 Posted: 4/28/19 |
Communion Service
Luke 22: 7-22 Posted: 2/26/24 |
The Lord's Supper - Communion
Luke 22: 7-22 Posted: 10/18/22 |
Message: The Desire of Satan (Parts 1-2)
Scripture: Luke 22: 31-34 Posted: 8/23/20 |
Message: The Illegal Trials of Jesus
Scripture: Luke 22:66-71 Service Recorded: 4/3/15 PM Posted on Website: 10/20/17 |
Who Is Jesus and Why Did He Come?
Luke 23:26-34 and Matthew 1: 21; 16: 13-17 Posted: 12/20/21 |
Message: Disappoints with Life Part 1
Scripture: Luke 23:46 Service Recorded: 9/23/18 AM Posted on Website: 9/23/18 |
Message: Resurrection
Scripture: Luke 24: 1-12 Posted: 4/11/21 |
Luke 24: 1-12 Posted: 4/18/22 |
Message: The Road to Emmaus (Easter Service)
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35 Service Recorded: 4/1/18 AM Posted to Website: 4/1/18 |